I wathched a film,"Message In A Bottle"(瓶中信), tonight -- alone.
It's a good movie to watch with your lover or to watch it alone.
My tear dropped when I saw the fight between the father and the son, because children would never know how much their parents cared about them.
I cried at the very end, because people always realized what they had lost after they lost it.
影片一開始是女主角帶著兒子去見他的父親. 看到"前夫帶著新的家人還有自己的兒子離去"那一幕真讓我百感交集, 那種感覺很奇怪, 曾經是枕邊人, 卻摟著另一個女人, 有了另一個家庭... 或許這種現象在現代社會屢見不鮮, 可是還是覺得很奇怪..
後來看到她跟男主角"搭訕"那一段還真有趣, 學起來, 看到好男人就要去搭訕.. 哈哈~~
"I just want to be close." she said
然後就看到她鑽進男主角的被窩, 穩穩的枕在男主角懷裡... 嘖嘖~~ 看了真羨慕~~ 凱文科斯納又高, 體格又好, 可能老了一點, 可是還是粉迷人的..嘿嘿嘿嘿...... 找男人就要找個高一點的, 抱起來才舒服...
保羅紐曼演凱文科斯納的老爸爸, 不能說是老帥哥, 但是是很有味道的老男人..呵呵~ 他在劇中是妙語如珠, 我看到笑翻了.........
後來發現一個道理 -- 永遠不要跟一個死人搶男人 -- 已經去世的人永遠是活著的人所比不上的.
anyways...... I like this movie!! ^__^
It's a good movie to watch with your lover or to watch it alone.
My tear dropped when I saw the fight between the father and the son, because children would never know how much their parents cared about them.
I cried at the very end, because people always realized what they had lost after they lost it.
影片一開始是女主角帶著兒子去見他的父親. 看到"前夫帶著新的家人還有自己的兒子離去"那一幕真讓我百感交集, 那種感覺很奇怪, 曾經是枕邊人, 卻摟著另一個女人, 有了另一個家庭... 或許這種現象在現代社會屢見不鮮, 可是還是覺得很奇怪..
後來看到她跟男主角"搭訕"那一段還真有趣, 學起來, 看到好男人就要去搭訕.. 哈哈~~
"I just want to be close." she said
然後就看到她鑽進男主角的被窩, 穩穩的枕在男主角懷裡... 嘖嘖~~ 看了真羨慕~~ 凱文科斯納又高, 體格又好, 可能老了一點, 可是還是粉迷人的..嘿嘿嘿嘿...... 找男人就要找個高一點的, 抱起來才舒服...
保羅紐曼演凱文科斯納的老爸爸, 不能說是老帥哥, 但是是很有味道的老男人..呵呵~ 他在劇中是妙語如珠, 我看到笑翻了.........
後來發現一個道理 -- 永遠不要跟一個死人搶男人 -- 已經去世的人永遠是活著的人所比不上的.
anyways...... I like this movie!! ^__^